Questions about the New TCN – UPDATED 03/21

Home The Cardinal Nation Forums Open Forum Questions about the New TCN – UPDATED 03/21

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  • #147049
    Brian Walton

    Paid - Annual

    I don’t know if anyone noticed this, but the bug in the forum software that had been showing the time of the most recent new thread started instead of the most recent post made anywhere on the board has finally been fixed. What I am talking about is what is shown on this page:

    Brian Walton

    Paid - Annual

    I apologize for the two outage periods today. I am going to be moving this site to another hosting provider that can deliver more reliable service.

    Brian Walton

    Paid - Annual

    The site outages continue. I am in the process of porting the site to a new provider. We plan to test for a couple of weeks to try to find the problems before cutting over. Sorry for the bumps.


    Paid - Annual

    Thanks for the update. Today is the first time I have been able to sign-on in the last couple of days.



    Likewise, can we alter our profiles with the goal that our genuine names don’t appear on our posts? Would actually firmly favor that to not be the situation.

    Brian Walton

    Paid - Annual

    The only thing you cannot change is your userid itself. Your name and what is displayed can always be altered. Here is how.

    At the upper right, click on WELCOME, YOURNAME.
    From the dropdown box, click on MY PROFILE.
    On that screen, you can change first name, last name or both.
    Also on that screen, you can select what you want seen in the field called “Display Name Publicly As”.
    Don’t forget to scroll to the bottom and click the blue button called “Update Profile” to save your changes.


    Paid - Annual

    When I click My Profile it says “Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page”.

    Brian Walton

    Paid - Annual

    Sorry for the delay in seeing this. For all, please send email or use the CONTACT US feature (which sends me an email) if site support items are important.

    Some questions:
    Is this problem continuing?
    Did you log off and back on again?
    Do you have a second browser/computer/phone to try as well?
    If the problem persists, it could be that your browser’s cache needs to be cleared.
    (I can provide directions if needed.)

    I will stop there until you provide an update.



    Just a heads up. I have noticed in the last 2 days that if I am not logged in to the site, I can’t always see the newest posts. I was just looking at posts without logging in. I noticed the last post under the 2021 All Star game was made by blingboy. When I clicked on the thread, the last post was by Onyxgem which was the one prior to blingboy. I don’t know why this is happening but it seems very unusual. When I logged in on both days, I could see all the latest posts.



    The new platform is kinder to me. Before, when I switched from iphone to PC, it would warn me of multiple usage and log me off. Now I can go back and forth.



    It’s still warning me.

    Brian Walton

    Paid - Annual

    forsch31, this is a new problem. I will look into it. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

    P.S. Is anyone else seeing this?



    It just did it again on today’s game thread.

    Brian Walton

    Paid - Annual

    I have been able to reproduce the problem, but it does not appear to be site specific nor tied to the recent hosting change. It may be an issue with the software for the board. Odd displaying issues have been around since the start and seem to come and go.

    The good news is that there is a simple workaround. Sign in first.

    The not allowing multiple logins is something I added to the site purposely to stop those who shared their ids with others to avoid paying. That is the world we live in.



    Hi Brian,
    I just placed three new posts under the Offense thread. The first couple times it failed to post. So I broke it up into three pieces and posted the pieces, just fine.

    This is just a fyi to let you know that it failed. Maybe it was too large? It failed ‘silently’, without any info, other than my post didn’t show up.

    Thanks for your forum! PS happy to send you a partial payment in lieu of a subscription.Frank

    Brian Walton

    Paid - Annual

    There is a word limit for posts. Off the top of my head, I think it is 1000 words. I seem to recall a discussion with jager about that a few pages back.

    Another intended limitation is one hyperlink per post. This is to stop spammers, who typically load their posts with links..



    I still get that error message…….Your post cannot be created at this time.

    I think we have had this discussion before, along with another poster who had the same issue.

    r/Esteemed Rat



    Is there a new messaging system through your new host? I am seeing a black bar just below the URL. On the right side looks like a PM system of some sort.

    Brian Walton

    Paid - Annual

    The black bar is a WordPress administrator bar which has been hidden until now. It does not add function to the site. I will hide it again. Thanks for the tip.



    Don’t know if this anything but today I tried to login with my login information, site asked me to prove that I was a human and when I did it took me to the dashboard for the site…then I closed out and came back in and got the regular site…

    Brian Walton

    Paid - Annual

    That is WordPress, the base software for the site, doing its checking, and is normal. As you may have seen recently, there have been more bots posting spam here. I am being forced to consider making new signups more difficult to try to slow them down.

    I am sorry if that makes access for site regulars a bit more difficult at times, but the spam problem is getting worse.



    I wasn’t mad about it or anything so sorry if I came across that way, I was just scared that I may have messed something up or that something was wrong with the site…glad that things are fine…

    Brian Walton

    Paid - Annual

    No worries. The questions allow me to explain what is going on, and sometimes alert me to things that need attention.


    Paid - Annual

    Any chance you could add OPS Against aka Opponent OPS to your pitching stats? WHIP and BAA give us pitcher equivalents for OBP and BA, but it’s hard to find the pitcher-equivalent for OPS. A shame, as it’s the most useful of the easily calculated rate stats for hitters.




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