Restructuring MiLB

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    I always thought it was dumb they got rid of the league names and replaced with geographical names. Baseball’s lore is because of its past and history. When it looked like MLB was just going to crap all over the base it did make me sad.

    1982 willie

    Just read an article on some changes they are talking about. They want a 14 second pitch clock. Which seems a little fast but on the face of it I can see a pitch clock of some time but then it mentioned having instant challenges of balls and strikes which kind of goes against a pitch clock So that seems absurd. They also mentioned outfielders having to stand 25 feet closer to plate. What kind of bull is that. I guess having 6 infielders on the infield or having an infielder in the outfield is ok but outfielders are just way too deep. Then the guy has the gall to question people wanting to keep the game the same. No not exactly true, changes happen but no one wants absurd things. Hey maybe start outlawing extreme shifts, make a rule that each position has to have a player there in the general defined area, second base position is not in the outfield grass. Have coaches teaching proper ways to hit so that if outfielders are real deep, just pluck the ball in the open space instead of putting some line where outfielders have to stand in front of. Just rediculous.



    They’re worried about the younger generations with their short attention spans. So they’re going to get their dirty little hands on everything. Fly in the ointment. This is what younger people want to see so the purity of the game will get destroyed. Records won’t be real records with the variables changed. Same thing with the stupid, constant rule changes in the NFL. I did like how the umpires on Thu kept the fans informed just like the NFL does.

    Everyone’s opinion must be heard and we can’t say no.

    1982 willie

    Having noticed a lot more teams using 4 outfielders in certain situations, I read an article in the New York post on it today. It reads that the the rules committee should get together and make it a rule you have to have 4 fielders on the infield dirt this year, not wait for next year. Now it touts other sports that have made changes to make more offense but I don’t care about that. Bottom line playing 4 guys in the outfield just goes against the spirit of the game. Heck the games I watched, there was actually five guys in outfield cause the second baseman was way out in the outfield. Yea I know people can bunt. But who wants your best hitters bunting all the time just so your weaker hitters can struggle. Baseball wants to make all these changes like move outfielders in and speed up pitchers to make the game moe viewer friendly but they sit by and watch teams putting five guys in the outfield grass. The way teams use pitchers anymore, it’s not easy to hit in the first place. I’m not big on lots of changes too a game I am love but these moves of moving fielders around so much based on analytics and such has never been a big part of the game before in the past. It’s a lot different than moving a guy a couple steps. Like the news piece ended with. People watch games to see exciting plays and a great game between the players not a competition of the analytics departments.

    Brian Walton

    Paid - Annual

    Brian Walton

    Paid - Annual

    Brian Walton

    Paid - Annual

    Here’s the new trial rule – the pie shaped no-man zone behind second base. The shift taken one step further.


    Paid - Annual

    What about on the grass?

    Brian Walton

    Paid - Annual

    One of the minor league contraction lawsuits is continuing. There is evidence that MLB violated antitrust laws.



    During the last CBA negotiation, MLB owners tried to get the players to agree to eliminate more MiLB teams. Now we get an article from The Athletic that talks about how a corporation is buying up all the Minor League teams. There’s also a YouTube video that goes into discussion on this topic as well which I will post in a follow-up. The article is free.



    The video has three chapters and the part that addresses Diamond Sports starts at the 38:00 mark. Honestly, however, the entire video is a worthwhile watch.

    Brian Walton

    Paid - Annual

    Paid - Annual

    I found this to be interesting. Keith Law thinks that Manfred and the owners could be looking to eliminate another level or two of the minor leagues. The theory is that college baseball could become the developmental league. Sounds like more $$$$ savings to me.


    Paid - Annual


    Brian, have you heard anything about the potential elimination of more milb levels?


    Paid - Annual

    I can see the time coming when a 13th round Juco player getting a chance is a thing of the past.

    Brian Walton

    Paid - Annual

    Gscottar, only what Law said. It is not far fetched, in my view.


    Paid - Annual

    Interesting read. The cliff notes are since juco players now don’t have to count college eligibility until they move to a larger school more players may stay in college longer. This may be why MLB is considering eliminating some more minor league levels since colleges could now be where players develop.



    I think it could also be the fact of expansion. They have expressed the desire to add 2 more teams. That 46 AAA players essentially that are now MLB. 46 AA players that are now AAA players. At what point does the product get too watered down? And then there is the whole financially aspect of operating all these teams, which I’m sure is more of a driving force.

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